Occupy Wall Street by Petra Maricela Thompson

Wall Street may have been pouring champagne on September 29, 2011 but it is Occupy Wall Street that has much to celebrate. OWS soars into its third month of peaceful occupation and protesting with no need to worry over index or margins. OWS continues to assemble, rally and march throughout Manhattan as people in other states, cities and countries gather and prepare to be seen and heard. With a national and global network of solidarity, support and sparkle that comes from the heart not a wine bottle OWS looks forward to organizing the movement and preparing the way for an unknown future. Although OWS is certain to be hit hard by Mayor Bloomberg and his own personal baton wielding policing agency OWS will not be moved. They stand united against the corruption and greed from bankers, Wall Street and corporate power mongers that have gone uncontested until now.

November 26, 2011 6:29 A.M.

Seattle activist Dorli Rainey, 84 years on Gods green earth, survivor of Nazi occupied Germany, being helped to safety by two other protesters after she was directly sprayed with mace during an Occupy Seattle protest on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at Westlake Park.
Photograph by ©Joshua Trujillo

As long as there are people like Dorli Rainey in the world, Occupy will continue not just to survive the winters cold but thrive. No matter how much fire the new order, the U.S. Nazi Police and Gestapo spray on protesters and activists they will continue to march through it. Don't stay tuned, shut off all screens, aspire, the good fight is here in a city, town, country or village near you. Its support base is growing the numbers and speed and heart felt call is beyond what anyone could have ever thought possible but hoped and imagined could root and emerge and has. We became a wasteland, an abandoned project, America found herself homeless and desolate so she began to drift. A glacier immersed in the waters of desperation for far too long she begins to give up and sink. Unable to find her way she searches through the deep for love long lost then tumbles against the rocks onto a treasured relic, a strand of goodness and she wakes. Change forges a genesis from seeds discarded and thought unworthy then thrown under the tables of greed and corruption. Seeds now being organically planted and cultivated in the heart of humanity and is flourishing. The spring of 2012 will be the first harvest the first fruits for those who so chose to partake, you can look forward to a cornucopia of dreams dared dreamed coming true. I declare 2012 the universal year of The Tree Of Life. By the wayside, just in case you are wondering, it will be occupied. Gods strength to one and all, a speedy and full recovery for everyone world wide that is a victim of this brutal regime of private police and most definitely anything but order or new. Coveting was here before life spawned from jealousy and lies cast down as evil and born darkness and hate.

-Petra Maricela Violetarojo de Cordero

November 23, 2011

Thousands gathered in solidarity and support of students who are peacefully occupying the university quad at UC Davis some of which were victimized by Lt. John Pike on November 18, 2011 as can be seen in the video below. Students who were occupying the quad and had gathered there to show their support and alliance with OWS. On this day, November 22, 2011 a general strike has been approved for November 28, 2011 by the General Assembly. UC Davis students, employees, faculty and community members are asking for your participation and help to shut down all UC state and community college campuses. The call to strike goes out to everyone in hopes of preventing a meeting by The Regents. The meeting is set to discuss the following;

Meetings of The Regents of the University of California and its committees are scheduled for Monday, November 28, 2011 by teleconference. Sites for the meetings are shown on each Notice of Meeting listed below.Starting times following the first session are estimates. If a session ends earlier than expected, the next scheduled session may convene immediately.

Live audio Internet broadcasts of the open sessions are available during the open session meetings. Please use this link to connect to the audio streaming during the meeting:

Monday, November 28

8:30 am  Committee on Compensation (closed session)

8:40 am* Committee on Health Services (Regents only session)

8:50 am* Committee on Finance (Regents only session)

8:55 am* Board (Regents only session)

9:00 am* Committee of the Whole (public comment)

10:30 am* Committee on Finance (open session)

12:00 pm* Committee on Grounds and Buildings (open session)

12:15 pm* Committee on Compensation (open session)

12:30 pm* Board (open session)

*or upon adjournment of previous session

Marsha Kelman
Secretary and Chief of Staff to The Regents

In addition, a petition has been started by David Buscho demanding that Chancellor Katehi resign, please click to sign the petition. After reviewing all the information available and considering all the facts, I did sign the petition. Even though Chancellor Katehi held a meeting on November 22, 2011 to defend herself and stated the following, "I explicitly directed the chief of police that violence should be avoided at all costs," she continued to say, "It was the absolute last thing I ever wanted to happen." I feel very strongly that Chancellor Katehi is and was aware of the number of brutal incidents taking place day to day of unlawful violence and abuse on the part of police at OWS rallies against nonviolent protesters everywhere. Police can be seen in footage which is easily accessed through all media and at any online sites such as You Tube, Facebook and Tumblr. Police have been taped taking great pleasure in kicking and beating OWS participants with batons, pulling their hair, three or more police thrashing one person to the ground, knee choking them, using tear gas, rubber bullets, mace and pepper spraying peaceful demonstrators to the point of critical injury. Chancellor Katehi should have herself gone directly to the university's quad where the tents were erected to ensure that nothing take place outside of her direction. It was her responsibility to do so above and beyond her concern which was as she stated, "Because encampments have long been prohibited by UC policy, I directed police only to take down the tents," she said. "My instructions were for no arrests and no police force."

Chancellor Katehi's lack of willingness or ability to ensure student safety first is inexcusable. Based on this, in my opinion, she has no right to hold the position of Chancellor at UC Davis. The risk of her being given the opportunity to make a second misjudgment based on something that is 'prohibited' at UC Davis but not unlawful could prove deadly. To allow herself to be compelled to such action and by what motivation is no longer what is important in regards to her position at UC Davis. The damage is done and this is not a matter of forgiveness. She put things that are prohibited above the well being of human beings and although that is just as bewildering to me as it is frightening bottom line is that her conduct is not all acceptable. To begin with, that a person who displays this lack of caliber in judgment and foresight was ever granted the position of chancellor is also extremely disturbing. Very unfortunate for her that a part of the repercussions of her actions will ensure that the memory of what took place at her beckoning and on her watch be attached to her as a part of her legacy. The pictorials of what happened were seamed together with threads of inexcusable malice bearing the thorns of wrong doing. The fact is that she solicited the campus police thus setting the events into motion that led to the violence. The weight of her error tilts the scales here, once the violence began Chancellor Katehi did not act to stop it. The burden of this gross misconduct should not at all rest on any of the students that suffered directly or indirectly on November 18, 2011 but solely on Chancellor Katehi and the police involved. Thereby her resignation is demanded to ensure that nothing like this ever take place again. In conclusion, her actions also gave us a clearer insight to her internal make-up and lack of sense of perspective. Her behavior is not just a matter of simply being unprofessional but also treacherous. She made it clear to the world that she does not know how to measure the difference between a human being and a tent.

Reform the education system, all schools at all levels, universities and colleges across America, education of the people, for the people, by the people. Get the government out of institutions and back to the reason they were elected, to serve and ensure the betterment of the people and America. To start, a viable agenda that serves humanity not greed and power. I suppose that would require electing intelligent, compassionate, truthful, earnest, hard working, gracious human beings and not political robots. We really do need Gods help, even the United States Pledge of Allegiance says, "And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible." Originally written by Francis Bellamy and did not include 'under God' in 1954 President Eisenhower bless his soul, encouraged Congress to add, 'under God' wise man. Bless God, God bless us, God be with us.

-Petra Maricela Violetarojo de Cordero

Lt. John Pike taking pleasure in pepper spraying students at UC Davis

November 20, 2011

I think now that America is finally waking up America needs to do whatever it takes to shake itself free from the sandman. Does the above video not remind you of anything? Perhaps because instead of a gun it is a mace can which by the way can be just as harmful and deadly as a bullet. I am reminded of the Nazi's lining people up to shoot them. Every time I watch this video or see similar images my heart breaks and tears stream down my face. It was reported that police actually forced peoples mouths open and sprayed mace directly down their throats.

I weep not just for America but for one and all globally. This is how it is documented to have always begun like in in Nazi occupied Germany. People stood by in disbelieve until they themselves were overcome and loaded up like livestock and sent to the camps. Not here you say! Its already happening in New York City, Oakland, Berkeley, Atlanta, Chicago, Portland and other cities. People are loaded onto busses after being brutally abused and falsely arrested while you eat your dinner in the comfort of your home in disbelieve and wonder if what you are seeing is real. Perhaps you are asking yourself, "How is this possible"? Or you subconsciously believe that the protesters themselves are somehow bringing these violent acts upon themselves when in fact they have done nothing outside of the law. After being falsely arrested they are taken to jail and detained. They are denied their 'inalienable rights' a phone call, medical care, food and water. History is repeating itself right before your very eyes, you don't need to waste time by asking how or why! What your seeing is real, instead of being overcome with shock, please, just do what you can do to help, to make it stop! Stand up and be heard, call the police stations and or precincts, city halls, mayors, governors, and the president! Make your voice be heard! Contact your elected officials NOW!

I am not asking you to agree with Occupy Wall Street, the movement or the revolution, just to disagree with the violent and unlawful tactics being used by the police towards nonviolent demonstrators. Now that college students are fast becoming a part of this revolution its only a matter of time before you see your child marching in any one of the demonstrations or rallies. Please help re-enforce and secure the values of The Charters of Freedom for yourselves, your children and the future of this country. Now is the time, we must act before this display of brutality takes a greater toll than it already has. The numbers of the injured are increasing as is the severity of the injuries inflicted by police. If not stopped this display of unlawful brutal force will only escalate until someone is killed at the hands of one of those who are paid by your tax dollars to serve and protect. There are no crimes being committed at any of the rallies or marches by the demonstrators only by the police and or riot police. There is no reason for the police presence let alone the abusive practices by those officers that are stepping over the lines of protocol and training. Police that are smiling as they inflict bodily harm on innocent demonstrators, demonstrators doing as is their right to do as is declared and secured by the First Amendment. Stop the police brutality, violence and abuse!

-Petra Maricela Violetarojo de Cordero

November 17, 2001

Video by The #occupy Bat Signal Crew Verizon Building

November 17, 2011
Occupy Wall Street


November 16, 2011

On Tuesday November 15, 2011 Bloomberg's private army guised as the NYPD riot police unlawfully marched on OWS in Zuccotti Park now known as Liberty Square. Using batons, mace and rubber bullets they moved the people by force destroying private property, temporary living spaces, the kitchen and library. History repeated itself, though generations of survivors of crimes against humanity have fought hard to ensure that it would not. It has and it reared its hideous face on US soil where Liberty stands holding her torch as a symbol of freedom for one and all. On this God awful morning police threw books and personal belongings into a pile and threatened OWS with violence and arrest if they did not disperse. A media blackout was also imposed, my heart broke as I watched yet again the police brutality and abuse unfold. To show my commitment and solidarity to OWS I did not leave the livestream and I posted online at FB and Tumblr again and again. I also called City Hall in New York City and filed a complaint against the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg. Today marks sixty days for OWS and I am proud to say that from the onset and before I have been a part of and continue to support revolution and OWS, #N17 Global Day Of Action!

-Petra Maricela Violetarojo de Cordero